Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Captains Blog Stardate 01292013 What's Up With Weather : Episode III

Well, the weather certainley has been...interesting. It was so cold last week that I bought a new fuzzy hat.

Fuzzy Hat
Now I'm considering buying some new t-shirts and shorts because it's getting HOT, well, warm...er, 70 degrees to be exact. My good buddy James and I pulled up a weather radar and it looks like we're in a warm front, about to be overtaken by a cold front. So get ready for some more snow. I know I'm ready, I've got my fuzzy hat! I beleive in global warming, but I'm not sure it's what behind these crazy swings.

Also, this is the second in what I like to call "Blast From the Past Blogs" the first of which was the Desktop/Tablet/'Laptop Blog. These are blogs that are similar to Blogs that we did last year. Here are the links to the two blogs we did about crazy weather, one from Febuary and one from April. Hope you enjoy them!

Captain's Blog Supplemental Stardate 01312013

Here's my comment on Ian's Blog !


  1. Thanks for the shout out. It means a lot. We need more snow days. Go away warm weather.

  2. I think it's just a random occurrence.
