Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09252012 Adding Game Ingredients

Today I am supposed to blog about a challenge I overcame in creating my "Hidden Object Game" . I had the most trouble with the win screen. You see, I forgot alot of coding over the summer. The biggest thing I had forgotten was "onenterframe". I spent 3 days trying to code my win screen, but in the end, had I had "onenterframe" I could have done it in one day. Usually problems in flash boil down to little things like that. My message box that gave me so much trouble? Yeah, had I rememebered to embed my fonts it would have taken less than 1 class period to make.

I think this is how we all feel some days in Globaloria.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10172012 Adding Hidden Objects

This blog seems to be specificly aimed at Globaloria I students. It asks me, "what was it like to program in flash for the first time?" Well, I am going to amend that question to , What was it like to program in flash for the first time in several months? It was hard. I have alot to remember, but I'm gonna learn it back peice by peice! I feel like the hero of the sequel to a boxer movie.

This is me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09112012 Drawing A Backgound

Today I worked on the topic "Drawing A Background" I hadnt drawn much in flash since last year so it was good to start drawing again. Im almost as bad at flash drawing as I am at real drawing though. I can do backgrounds fairly well. People is where I start to have problems. This is what my characters looked like when I was drawing my game last year (Caitlin ended up doing most of the drawing for the game last year).


Monday, September 10, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09092012 Paper Prototype Part 1

I made a paper prototype for my hidden object game. It's pretty ugly. My drawing skills are not the best. I can draw in flash a bit, but my pen and paper drawings? Yeah...lets just pretend we didnt see this.
My Horrible Paper Prototype

The paper prototype helped me see my game even though it is so horribly drawn.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09072012 Plan Game Scene

I am planning on making my game for this year tri-level like my game was last year. I will probably use my "hidden object game" as my second level. I'm excited to start working in flash again. I've forgotten alot, but I'm sure I'll remember it eventually. Luckily I've got time to figure it out!
This Is A Scientist Pouring Chemicals.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 06092012 Choosing A Learning Topic

My topic is lab safety. I like this topic because it is the topic I plan to use for my final game. I will use my hidden object game as one of the levels in my actual game. I also think it lends itself well to a hidden object game. It shall be fun!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09052012 Play to Learn Part One

I didn't like the hidden object games. I think it's a bad way to introduce students to a powerful program like flash. It can do so much, and yet they use it for so little. I realize students must learn simple tasks before making whole games, but I think the carrot game was a better teaching tool than these "hidden object games". Ohh well, smarter people than I design this curriculum and I trust their judgement. I may make my game have a level where students are in a science lab and they have to click on lab safety hazard.

A Carrot, Something I miss very much...

I commented on Robbies Blog