Monday, October 29, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10292012 Making My Own MiniGame

Making my mini game was fun. It was pretty easy since I just replaced all the carrot game symbols with my own and gave them the same instance names that I used for the carrot game. The code was completley identical between the two games. I used the topic of "Lab Safety" I may use this as the basis for one of my levels, but with more complicated visuals and code.

I thought this was kinda funny.
Either way, I'm excited for this year!

Also, I commented on Caitlin's Blog!

Captains Blog Stardate 10262012 Building a Game

I'm not quite sure how to answer these questions. I did this exact same assignment last year so not much suprised me the second time around (except for how much code I'd forgotten over the summer).  The carrot game was like seeing an old friend again and realizing how much you two had grown apart, but still loving eachother like not a day had passed.
My Old Friend The Carrot
It doesn't really change the way I look at game, other than just making me want to remember flash again. Also, last year I did a very similar blog, and I commented on Caitlin's Blog!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10172012 Plan Team Game

I think my game will be a good learning game. I don't know exactly what it will be like, but I'm starting to get a more definate idea. The game will test players knowlege without being a quiz. I would add some interactivity to "A Hobo's Journey" to make it better. It's a quiz game! The larry game is alright, but I wish that they'd tie the story and the three levels together. They're all great but they don't flow.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10122012 Imagine Team Game

I'm desiging this game mostly for high school students, as high school is usually the time when students start doing labs that could be dangerous if not done safely. Students will need some very basic knowlege of lab safety (or common sense). I dont see how lab safety could be hurtful to any group of people. This game will teach students to be vigilant in the lab, and to always watch for safety violations. The game take place in the science lab. I've already drawn some of the environment, but will probably do one level from a first person perspective, which will add to the players illusion that they're in the lab. This game will teach the topic by immersing students in an unsafe (virtul) lab so they can learn to identify safety hazards once they get in a real lab safety situation.

The name for this topic was "Imagining Your Game". I thought this was appropriate.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10082012 Choosing Team Game Topic

I chose the topic of lab safety because it seemed fun. It's also a pretty easy topic to research so I will have more time to focus on coding and drawing. I may add video scenes this year to. I'll figure that out later in the year. I didn't work with the other members of my team to select this topic, because I'm on my own, not in a team. Unless you mean how did the voices in my head work together. That wasn't a very good discussion. You see this one voice (I like to call him Jerry) really wanted to do a game on physics, and this other voice (I'll call him Nikoli) was being all crazy telling my to do a game on witchcraft. I told Nikoli that witchcraft wasn't a STEM topic...he didn't take that too well, then all three of us just kept shouting. You know...I'm not sure how I got lab safety out of that.

What Nikoli and Jerry were acting like