Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Captains Blog Stardate 01292013 What Have I Learned?

I've learned a good bit from my game about lab safety. I learned that not all labs have the same rules. An example of this is the eyewash station. I was taught in chemistry that when you got hazardous chemicals in your eyes you washed them for twenty minutes. My research shows that some labs require 30 while some only require 15. Because of this I am going to put a disclaimer stating that all lab safety rules are subject to a teacher or lab instructors change , and that the game should not be your only education in lab safety before performing labs with hazardous chemicals.

I played Austin's game so I can work this thing!!
Captain's Blog Supplemental Stardate 01312013

Here's my comment on Robbies Blog!

Captains Blog Stardate 01292013 What's Up With Weather : Episode III

Well, the weather certainley has been...interesting. It was so cold last week that I bought a new fuzzy hat.

Fuzzy Hat
Now I'm considering buying some new t-shirts and shorts because it's getting HOT, well, warm...er, 70 degrees to be exact. My good buddy James and I pulled up a weather radar and it looks like we're in a warm front, about to be overtaken by a cold front. So get ready for some more snow. I know I'm ready, I've got my fuzzy hat! I beleive in global warming, but I'm not sure it's what behind these crazy swings.

Also, this is the second in what I like to call "Blast From the Past Blogs" the first of which was the Desktop/Tablet/'Laptop Blog. These are blogs that are similar to Blogs that we did last year. Here are the links to the two blogs we did about crazy weather, one from Febuary and one from April. Hope you enjoy them!

Captain's Blog Supplemental Stardate 01312013

Here's my comment on Ian's Blog !

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Captains Blog Stardate 01272013 Desktops/Tablets/Laptops TAKE TWO

I think laptops desktops and tablets all have their place in the future. Some people like the bigger display and separated keyboard and mouse that desktops offer. Some like the portability  of a laptop, but don't want to give up the functionality that they would have to give up for a tablet. Some people just want facebook, youtube and email. Those people will use tablets. I personally hate typing on tablets, I'm one of them. I'm not crazy about laptops either. I like my desktop. I think in college I'll use a laptop, but I'll always like my desktops. I may even keep a monitor, keyboard and mouse and my dorm in college so when I'm at "home" I can still have the desktop experience. I think for certain classes tablets are OK, but the majority of classes should probably use full function computers. For in school use laptops are better. I'm not sure why tablets are always lumped in as a 3rd option from laptops and desktops. As someone who is around all three on a daily basis, they're not. Also, we did almost this same blog last year, here's a link. My opinions have changed a bit since then. It's fun to revisit.

I wouldn't be suprised if laptops like the Lenovo Yoga Ideapad became the norm. (A laptop where the keyboard folds under to make the computer a tablet)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Captains Blog Stardate 01232013 America Held Hostage

President Obama has taken the oath of office FOUR TIMES? He's only been elected twice! This is the same way Hitler rose to power. The last president to take the oath of office four time was FDR, who took the oath in 1933, 1937, 1941, and 1945. FDR was a great man who won four elections in a time when that was legal. Obama on the other hand is a crook who manipulated the nation into electing him once and manipulated the election system once he was on the inside to steal a re-election, and by a series of so-called blunders and technicalities recite the oath of office four times.

 It's rather obvious that Barack Hussein Obama has Justice Marshall in his conspiracy to take the nation by force. Marshall saying the oath wrong was no mistake! It was close enough to count but wrong enough to justify to the nation that "President"Obama needed to take the oath again. (thereby guaranteeing him an eight year term). AND THEN! Obama plans this out so that when he wins (if he even really won) his second (really third) inauguration falls on a Sunday! This way he can justify taking the oath twice, yet again! Taking the oath four times that gives him the right to stay in office for SIXTEEN YEARS! (right?) I mean, the oath of office is one of those magic spells where each time you take it it adds four years to your presidency, right? Ohh well, enjoy your guns, religion, and freedom of speech while they last because as long as Dictator Barack Hussein Obama is in the white house they'll be slowly going away bit by bit. Just you wait, at the end of eight years Obama will refuse to give up his power, claiming that he's taken the oath four times and therefore owns the right to eight more years in office. The military will have no choice but to back him up (he IS the commander in chief) and we the REAL Americans will be beaten into submission by this one man's tyrannical fist! Also, if you're taking me seriously right now you might want to look at this definition.

My Comment on Robbie's Blog

Friday, January 18, 2013

Captain's Blog Stardate 01182013 Gun Control Blog

 “The Second Amendment does not guarantee the right to bear arms to kill innocent firefighters, teachers and children, and that’s the message we have to send.” Indeed I'm sure the founding fathers never thought that the right to bear arms would result in such tragedies as the one in Sandy Hook, but I also am sure that they would not support the tyrannical Anti-Gun legislation that's being considered all over the nation. There are lots of legal things that get used for illegal purposes. If the laws against murder didn't stop  Adam Lanza or James Holmes, why would a law against the guns they used be any more effective? We should focus less on banning guns and more on educating people about them. The more civilians carrying fire arms on the street, the better chance a would be shooter may be deterred for fear of retaliation. What if someone in the Aurora movie theatre had been carrying a handgun for safety? It's my guess that that shooting would have been over much more quickly with not nearly as much bloodshed. You'll notice these mass shootings always take place in places with strict anti gun rules. Schools obviously have the zero tolerance policy (and in schools I don't object to it so much, no one needs a gun at school, especially not the students), but the movie theatre in Aurorawas chosen by Holmes SPECIFICALLY because the management did not allow patrons to carry guns, and after his actions theatres aroud the nation started adopting that policy. People who break the law obviously have no respect for it, so why does the goverment object to the people who DO follow the law wanting to protect themselves?

The Governor of New York Signing Anti Gun Legislation 

One last thing I want to say. I do not own a gun. I have no plan on owning a gun until I have a wife and children of my own to .

Captains Blog Stardate 01182013 New Facebook Feature

Well...I suppse everyone knows that the big announcement Facebook made that day was their new "graph search" . I'm fine with it. I don't put anything online that I don't think people need to see. I consider everything I put on the internet public, because it is. Nothing can be totally private. People can always get around security settings. It seems like everytime facebook changes something there's a big uproar because people don't like the way it "exposes them". In my opinion, if you have anything you don't want the whole world to see, don't put it on facebook. I remember an old addage for email, "If you don't want it on the front page of the New York Times, dont send it". The same is true for Facebook.

I  think it actually looks pretty cool.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Captains Blog Stardate 01042013 Drag'n drop

This is my good pal Caitlin "Sassy Badger" M****'s (can't actually say the last name on line) drag and drop file. It's really cool how she uses the grocery store setting. I can't wait to see more of this game! The "disaster" theme is really nifty. I haven't seen many games take this one on! I'm looking forward to hearing about her being the first two time globey winner is history!