Friday, January 18, 2013

Captains Blog Stardate 01182013 New Facebook Feature

Well...I suppse everyone knows that the big announcement Facebook made that day was their new "graph search" . I'm fine with it. I don't put anything online that I don't think people need to see. I consider everything I put on the internet public, because it is. Nothing can be totally private. People can always get around security settings. It seems like everytime facebook changes something there's a big uproar because people don't like the way it "exposes them". In my opinion, if you have anything you don't want the whole world to see, don't put it on facebook. I remember an old addage for email, "If you don't want it on the front page of the New York Times, dont send it". The same is true for Facebook.

I  think it actually looks pretty cool.


  1. I just don't see the use of this though. It's a great idea, but I thought the announcement would have been something bigger, such as a new format or something like that. Oh well.

  2. It seems like a pretty useless feature to me.

  3. This seems pretty good to me, it'll get a lot of people to use FaceBook more often.
