Friday, January 18, 2013

Captain's Blog Stardate 01182013 Gun Control Blog

 “The Second Amendment does not guarantee the right to bear arms to kill innocent firefighters, teachers and children, and that’s the message we have to send.” Indeed I'm sure the founding fathers never thought that the right to bear arms would result in such tragedies as the one in Sandy Hook, but I also am sure that they would not support the tyrannical Anti-Gun legislation that's being considered all over the nation. There are lots of legal things that get used for illegal purposes. If the laws against murder didn't stop  Adam Lanza or James Holmes, why would a law against the guns they used be any more effective? We should focus less on banning guns and more on educating people about them. The more civilians carrying fire arms on the street, the better chance a would be shooter may be deterred for fear of retaliation. What if someone in the Aurora movie theatre had been carrying a handgun for safety? It's my guess that that shooting would have been over much more quickly with not nearly as much bloodshed. You'll notice these mass shootings always take place in places with strict anti gun rules. Schools obviously have the zero tolerance policy (and in schools I don't object to it so much, no one needs a gun at school, especially not the students), but the movie theatre in Aurorawas chosen by Holmes SPECIFICALLY because the management did not allow patrons to carry guns, and after his actions theatres aroud the nation started adopting that policy. People who break the law obviously have no respect for it, so why does the goverment object to the people who DO follow the law wanting to protect themselves?

The Governor of New York Signing Anti Gun Legislation 

One last thing I want to say. I do not own a gun. I have no plan on owning a gun until I have a wife and children of my own to .


  1. I dunno, if "tyrannical" is the word.

  2. I agree with what you're saying mostly, but I plan on getting a weapon before their outlawed entirely.
