Friday, January 4, 2013

Captains Blog Stardate 01042013 Drag'n drop

This is my good pal Caitlin "Sassy Badger" M****'s (can't actually say the last name on line) drag and drop file. It's really cool how she uses the grocery store setting. I can't wait to see more of this game! The "disaster" theme is really nifty. I haven't seen many games take this one on! I'm looking forward to hearing about her being the first two time globey winner is history!


  1. Austin, I agree. I know Caitlin has been working hard as well as you. Can't wait to see these final products.

  2. I like this demo. Kind of wish that it would continue after placing the items on the cart, but oh well. Great demo for Caitlin and hope to see both her's and your final product.

  3. Thanks for showing off my game, Austin! your drag and drop is great too. By the way guys, my demo will continue a bit after that last scene!

  4. Hey Austin, you saying I don't even stand a chance to win? Jerk. Anyhow, her game looks good, It'd be nice if it went farther, but I'm sure Caitlin is working on it.
    Good Show.

    1. Travis! Your game is a STEM game, Caitlin's is a Civics game, so you two aren't competing, however you and I, we ARE competing, Game on my friend...
