Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10082012 Choosing Team Game Topic

I chose the topic of lab safety because it seemed fun. It's also a pretty easy topic to research so I will have more time to focus on coding and drawing. I may add video scenes this year to. I'll figure that out later in the year. I didn't work with the other members of my team to select this topic, because I'm on my own, not in a team. Unless you mean how did the voices in my head work together. That wasn't a very good discussion. You see this one voice (I like to call him Jerry) really wanted to do a game on physics, and this other voice (I'll call him Nikoli) was being all crazy telling my to do a game on witchcraft. I told Nikoli that witchcraft wasn't a STEM topic...he didn't take that too well, then all three of us just kept shouting. You know...I'm not sure how I got lab safety out of that.

What Nikoli and Jerry were acting like

1 comment:

  1. Austin, I am sure that you will figure out something for your game in order to make it awesome and educational. Can't wait until the end of the year to see your final product.
