Monday, April 16, 2012

Captain's Blog Stardate 04162012 Stolen Penguin

I think the motive was that penguins are awesome, and who wouldn't want one for their own. It's Sea World's own fault for not selling live penguins in their gift shops! I don't think he shoul be charged with anything at all other than a normal emotional attachment to penguins. I bet his only regret is that he got caught! If there was a zoo near charleston and they had penguins I'd probably steal one too!

This is what I imagined when I read this article

My comment on Gary's Blog!


  1. The link, wrong sea world. There is no association with the Sea World in Australia with the American SeaWorld. This is the wikipedia article on Australian Sea World:

  2. Haha how satirical of you. I like your photoshopped penguin guy. :)
