Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 02072012 Problems at Apple Blog

Apple shouldn't treat their workers so poorly. I didn't know that they were beig treated this way. I own 2 apple products, and (including mine) there are 6 apple products in my house. This does change my view of them slightly. However I will contiunue to use their product, because as far as I can tell, most other technology companies don't do a much better job.

This is Apples Code of Conduct for Labor and Human Rights.

Here's Apples Wikipedia page.

My Comment on Robbies Blog.

Apple's iPod Product Line Up


  1. Because of the "sweatshop" idea with Nike and other clothing shops, it isn't too surprising, but still somewhat surprised with a technology company. They are good products, and they are the originals, but new items come out weekly, if not daily, so I feel that technology from other companys has surpassed the technology from Apple.

  2. Yes, it is sad. I hope that the workers are fine and keep making great products.

  3. It's a really sad situation, but Apple is such a big company that it's almost impossible to avoid them...
