Thursday, October 13, 2011

Captains Blog Stardate 10132011 Imagining Your Game

I'm designing this game for people who want to learn about blood cells! This game will teach players about viruses and how white blood cells fight them. This game will take place in the heart, veins, and artery's of the human body. This is where blood cells exist. In the game world, viruses will attack red blood cells, and white blood cells will have to protect them. The player will have to answer trivia questions about various viruses to kill them. Because quizzes are boring but games are funducational!

Captains Blog Supplemental Stardate 101411

I commented on Robbie's Blog!


  1. I like your topic. You may want to think about putting the questions in the blog, because to other people, they wouldn't know what the questions are.

  2. lol at funducational xD
    This game is gonna be awesome. I like the trivia question idea.
