Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Captain's Blog, Stardate 8302011, Starting Blogs

Hello blog world!!! My name is Austin Hugo Tejano. Austin's my real 1st name, Hugo and Tejano are nicknames friends have given me over the years. I'm not posting my last name, because this is the internet, and everything's public.

I've called my blog "Captain's Blog" because i am a HUGE Star Trek fan.

  I'm excited about this class. So far I managed to create my WIKI page in HTML. This is the link to my Globaloria Wiki Page. (you can only see it if you're in our school's Globaloria class).It has information about myself. Prior to this I had no experience in HTML. Soon we will begin using Flash to create a game. One of the things I love about this class is that it is all about computers. I enjoy trying new things on computers, and if they dont work figuring out why not, and what can be done to make them work.

Captains Blog, supplemental
Today (stardate 912011) I commented on the following blogs

Casey's Globaloria Blog

Hutner's Globaloria Blog

The Blog Of Chris

Dear Globaloria, Meet Caitlin


  1. Dude, this blog is so amazing. How did you get the background like that. Do you mind going to my blog and telling me that! I hope you have a great time in this class. It seems like you already are!

  2. Sick blog bro, love the background.

  3. Your blog is amazing. Star Trek is amazing also. You're obviously no Klingon. I would post some constructive criticism, but there's nothing to criticize. Keep going!

  4. Dude, I think yours is the best so far! keep up the good work man! live long and prosper!

  5. Haha I love your Star Trekki-ness. The writing is awesome but the bright blue hurts my eyes juuust a bit. Keep up the fantabulousness :)
