Thursday, May 10, 2012

Captain's Blog Stardate 05102012 Class Critique Blog

Normally I don't include the questions in my blog, but for this one I feel like I probably should, so I will.

-The Class Works
Ok, I'm going to honest. I don't really know what you mean by the "Class Works". If you mean the assignments during the first semester, I liked them. Most of them. I thought most of the videos were kindof boring and useless, as I could have gotten the same information from a text turorial much easier.

-The Blogs
I liked the blogs. Although I thought some of the articles were boring or outdated, I liked most of the blogs.

-The Requirements
I didn't think there were too many requirements. Especially compared to other classes I'm taking this year cough chemistry cough cough.

-The Learning Logs
At the beginning of the year the learning logs annoyed me, but by now I've gotten used to them.

-Team Members
I think my one and only team member , Caitlin, was awesome. Although we argue over our vision for the game at times, in the end we both pulled our weight and ended up with an awesome game!