Sunday, January 29, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 1292012 Les Miserables

I bet alot of you thought I would blog about Star Trek, seeing as that's the main focus of my blog and wiki. Well, you would be wrong! As much as I love Star Trek, right now I'm on a Les Miserables kick.

For those of you who aren't experts in classic french literature or Broadway musicals, Les Miserables is a french novel written by Victor Hugo in the 1800s. Then in the 1980s two french gentlemen by the names of Claude Michel Schonberg and Alain Boubil created a musical based on the novel. Sadly musical theater isn't that popular in france. Luckily an english theater producer named Cameron Macintosh saw the show and thought "Hey, I bet london audiences would really love this". He was right! Himself, the original French writers, and 2 English directors (Trevor Nunn and John Caird) adapted the musical into English. That was over twenty five years ago. Today the show is still playing 8 shows a week in london, two televised concerts have been performed, it was a smash hit on broadway (although it closed on broadway in 2003), it is currently touring the USA, and a movie version of the musical (starring Hugh Jackman and Russel Crowe) will be released later this year.

One Day More! by Les Misérables on Grooveshark

Here's one of the songs from Les Miserables (This is the tenth anniversary concert cast)

This is a picture from either the current USA tour or the recently ended UK tour.
 The both were very similar.

 I apologize if I got some of the facts wrong. Believe it or not I wrote most of that from memory.

My Comment on Caitlin's blog.

1 comment:

  1. You know entirely too much about Les Mis, but I love Les Mis so it's okay.
