Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 01172012 My Thoughts About This Class

I think this class is a good class. It teaches us things about computers while allowing us to be creative. My perception of this class has changed, in that I have realized how difficult flash is.

No, I Dont mean that Flash.

 Although I knew it would be a challege, it is much harder than I imagined. I think this class is hard, but in a way that I enjoy the challenge. I really like how in globaloria, we continually work on the same project all year. It allows us to perfect it. I really dislike learning logs. It's just a small thing to do, but it takes up so much time.

My comment of Robbie's Blog!


  1. I like the picture of flash. That just reminded me of something from a TV show, The Big Bang Theory. I honestly think that the short sentences that say "No, I don't mean that Flash. That Flash!" is too short to be counted, but oh well.

  2. Just a little tip, the consistently short sentences make you look like someone who keeps stopping in the middle of your sentences to think.

    I don't mean to be rude, and the Flash throwaway joke is pretty good, but really, maybe beef up your sentences again.

    don't be like this. Make big words good.

  3. Agreed about the learning logs. It's not efficient learning when you have to record your progress every single day. Flash is like every computer languge, the more time you spend with it, the better you are at manipulating it to complete your goals.

  4. I hate the learning log soooo much!!! And I always love your pictures.
