Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 12192012 Story

Stories...What...are...stories? Stories teach us about the past, or a world that could have been the past. Stories fill our hearts and inspire us. Stories bring us together as people and make us better people. My game is going to have the story of a chemistry student named Ashley. Ashley is going to have to learn to be safe. It will be a heartwarming story. In the words of a great man, "You'll Laugh, You'll Cry, You'll Be Moved Beyond Words" I'm not sure how I'm going to tell this story, but I know it'll involve animations. I'm not gonna do videos like last year.
Someone Telling A Story

Monday, December 17, 2012

Captain's Blog Stardate 12162012 Adding Keyboard Input

Ok, I don't complain that much about Globaloria. Globaloria's been good to me, I love Globaloria. What I do not beleive is good is the way the curriculum has been restructured this year. Things like keyboad input and drag and drop are important, but you don't need them in every game/level and jamming all those things into the demo is just confusing and annoying, those are fun to figure out on your own. Isn't that how Globaloria is supposed to work? Self directed learning?


I think the main use for keyboard control in my game is moving the characters around. I may also use it to control the music. Then again, using keys to control how fast water comes out o' the sink would be pretty nifty too. Who knows, maybe I'll use a whole mess o' keyboard controls. Only time shall tell!

Maybe I'll use all the keys!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 12042012 Choosing a Flash Topic

One flash topic that I will be using is collision detection. The player controls a chemistry student, and when they touch a beaker it picks the beaker up. The game will have alot of scenarios similar to that. I also use collision detection to trigger frame changes in my actionscript animations. Maybe I will add some timers too.

Captains Blog Stardate 12132012 Sound

I'm not sure how I want to use sound in my game. I'm thinking about having sounds for all the things that happen. Like there's a part where someone is pouring water. I may have that be a sound. I may have animated cutscenes. I could have someone read narration for those. The possibilities are endless! I'm a bit concerened about sound, as the computer I'm working with doesn't seem to have a sound card. I'll figure it out. All will be fine!
Sound Waves!

Captains Blog Stardate 12132012 Button Blog

There sure are alot of types of buttons! There's the buttons on your shirt, the buttons on your pants, the buttons on your phone and the buttons in your video games! I'm mostly gonna use the video game buttons for my game. I might draw buttons on a character's shirts or pants if I have time. All joking aside, I'm gonna use buttons in my game for several reasons. One is to navigate between pages. Another is to control certain features. These are just a few of the many uses for buttons. Here's the wiki page on buttons!

Flash is NEVER easy