I'm designing my game for high school students. This game is a fun way to relearn the lab safety rules that students must review every year. This game won't be hurtful to any group of people, as (as far as I know) no group of people can be offended by lab safety. If a player makes a mistake the game won't make them feel stupid, but will help them realize their mistake so that in the real lab they won't make that mistake. This game will provide a general review of basic lab safety rules. The focus will be in the chemistry lab. The game takes place in a high school chemistry lab.
The world I will design will a be kind of cartoony, but realistic depiction of a high school chemistry classroom, as this is where the info learned in the game is needed. The game will be a simulation of an actual chemistry lab. At the beginning of the level the player will have instructions and they will have to follow those instructions like they would the instructions for a lab. If they do something unsafe they will be notified by "the doc" (the teacher in the game). If they finish the "lab" they will receive a good grade. This is better than a quiz because it will give them visual memories to remember the
lab safety rules.
One more thing, here's my Vlog for hidden object game!