Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 12192012 Story

Stories...What...are...stories? Stories teach us about the past, or a world that could have been the past. Stories fill our hearts and inspire us. Stories bring us together as people and make us better people. My game is going to have the story of a chemistry student named Ashley. Ashley is going to have to learn to be safe. It will be a heartwarming story. In the words of a great man, "You'll Laugh, You'll Cry, You'll Be Moved Beyond Words" I'm not sure how I'm going to tell this story, but I know it'll involve animations. I'm not gonna do videos like last year.
Someone Telling A Story

Monday, December 17, 2012

Captain's Blog Stardate 12162012 Adding Keyboard Input

Ok, I don't complain that much about Globaloria. Globaloria's been good to me, I love Globaloria. What I do not beleive is good is the way the curriculum has been restructured this year. Things like keyboad input and drag and drop are important, but you don't need them in every game/level and jamming all those things into the demo is just confusing and annoying, those are fun to figure out on your own. Isn't that how Globaloria is supposed to work? Self directed learning?


I think the main use for keyboard control in my game is moving the characters around. I may also use it to control the music. Then again, using keys to control how fast water comes out o' the sink would be pretty nifty too. Who knows, maybe I'll use a whole mess o' keyboard controls. Only time shall tell!

Maybe I'll use all the keys!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 12042012 Choosing a Flash Topic

One flash topic that I will be using is collision detection. The player controls a chemistry student, and when they touch a beaker it picks the beaker up. The game will have alot of scenarios similar to that. I also use collision detection to trigger frame changes in my actionscript animations. Maybe I will add some timers too.

Captains Blog Stardate 12132012 Sound

I'm not sure how I want to use sound in my game. I'm thinking about having sounds for all the things that happen. Like there's a part where someone is pouring water. I may have that be a sound. I may have animated cutscenes. I could have someone read narration for those. The possibilities are endless! I'm a bit concerened about sound, as the computer I'm working with doesn't seem to have a sound card. I'll figure it out. All will be fine!
Sound Waves!

Captains Blog Stardate 12132012 Button Blog

There sure are alot of types of buttons! There's the buttons on your shirt, the buttons on your pants, the buttons on your phone and the buttons in your video games! I'm mostly gonna use the video game buttons for my game. I might draw buttons on a character's shirts or pants if I have time. All joking aside, I'm gonna use buttons in my game for several reasons. One is to navigate between pages. Another is to control certain features. These are just a few of the many uses for buttons. Here's the wiki page on buttons!

Flash is NEVER easy

Friday, November 30, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 11302012 A New Idea

I knew alot about lab safety before I started this game. I didn't think there was much for me to learn. I sure was wrong! A new idea I learned about my topic (lab safetey) was how organized labs are supposed to be. I knew they were supposed to be neat, but there is actually alot of logic and organization that goes into where stuff goes. An example is that alot of labs have a seperate cabinet JUST for acids. That's a good idea because if you have powerful acids and bases in the same cabinet they could contaminate eachothere (and possibly have a dangerous reaction.) Glassware should also be organized. An organized lab is a big part of safety. Organization will hopefully become a big part of my game.

The Aforementioned ACID cabinet

I commented on Alex's Blog!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 11082012 Reflect On Your Game Idea/Hidden Object Vlog

I'm designing my game for high school students. This game is a fun way to relearn the lab safety rules that students must review every year. This game won't be hurtful to any group of people, as (as far as I know) no group of people can be offended by lab safety. If a player makes a mistake the game won't make them feel stupid, but will help them realize their mistake so that in the real lab they won't make that mistake. This game will provide a general review of basic lab safety rules. The focus will be in the chemistry lab. The game takes place in a high school chemistry lab. The world I will design will a be kind of cartoony, but realistic depiction of a high school chemistry classroom, as this is where the info learned in the game is needed. The game will be a simulation of an actual chemistry lab. At the beginning of the level the player will have instructions and they will have to follow those instructions like they would the instructions for a lab. If they do something unsafe they will be notified by "the doc" (the teacher in the game). If they finish the "lab" they will receive a good grade. This is better than a quiz because it will give them visual memories to remember the lab safety rules.


One more thing, here's my Vlog for hidden object game! 

Also, I commented on Caitlin's blog.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10292012 Making My Own MiniGame

Making my mini game was fun. It was pretty easy since I just replaced all the carrot game symbols with my own and gave them the same instance names that I used for the carrot game. The code was completley identical between the two games. I used the topic of "Lab Safety" I may use this as the basis for one of my levels, but with more complicated visuals and code.

I thought this was kinda funny.
Either way, I'm excited for this year!

Also, I commented on Caitlin's Blog!

Captains Blog Stardate 10262012 Building a Game

I'm not quite sure how to answer these questions. I did this exact same assignment last year so not much suprised me the second time around (except for how much code I'd forgotten over the summer).  The carrot game was like seeing an old friend again and realizing how much you two had grown apart, but still loving eachother like not a day had passed.
My Old Friend The Carrot
It doesn't really change the way I look at game, other than just making me want to remember flash again. Also, last year I did a very similar blog, and I commented on Caitlin's Blog!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10172012 Plan Team Game

I think my game will be a good learning game. I don't know exactly what it will be like, but I'm starting to get a more definate idea. The game will test players knowlege without being a quiz. I would add some interactivity to "A Hobo's Journey" to make it better. It's a quiz game! The larry game is alright, but I wish that they'd tie the story and the three levels together. They're all great but they don't flow.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10122012 Imagine Team Game

I'm desiging this game mostly for high school students, as high school is usually the time when students start doing labs that could be dangerous if not done safely. Students will need some very basic knowlege of lab safety (or common sense). I dont see how lab safety could be hurtful to any group of people. This game will teach students to be vigilant in the lab, and to always watch for safety violations. The game take place in the science lab. I've already drawn some of the environment, but will probably do one level from a first person perspective, which will add to the players illusion that they're in the lab. This game will teach the topic by immersing students in an unsafe (virtul) lab so they can learn to identify safety hazards once they get in a real lab safety situation.

The name for this topic was "Imagining Your Game". I thought this was appropriate.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10082012 Choosing Team Game Topic

I chose the topic of lab safety because it seemed fun. It's also a pretty easy topic to research so I will have more time to focus on coding and drawing. I may add video scenes this year to. I'll figure that out later in the year. I didn't work with the other members of my team to select this topic, because I'm on my own, not in a team. Unless you mean how did the voices in my head work together. That wasn't a very good discussion. You see this one voice (I like to call him Jerry) really wanted to do a game on physics, and this other voice (I'll call him Nikoli) was being all crazy telling my to do a game on witchcraft. I told Nikoli that witchcraft wasn't a STEM topic...he didn't take that too well, then all three of us just kept shouting. You know...I'm not sure how I got lab safety out of that.

What Nikoli and Jerry were acting like

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09252012 Adding Game Ingredients

Today I am supposed to blog about a challenge I overcame in creating my "Hidden Object Game" . I had the most trouble with the win screen. You see, I forgot alot of coding over the summer. The biggest thing I had forgotten was "onenterframe". I spent 3 days trying to code my win screen, but in the end, had I had "onenterframe" I could have done it in one day. Usually problems in flash boil down to little things like that. My message box that gave me so much trouble? Yeah, had I rememebered to embed my fonts it would have taken less than 1 class period to make.

I think this is how we all feel some days in Globaloria.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 10172012 Adding Hidden Objects

This blog seems to be specificly aimed at Globaloria I students. It asks me, "what was it like to program in flash for the first time?" Well, I am going to amend that question to , What was it like to program in flash for the first time in several months? It was hard. I have alot to remember, but I'm gonna learn it back peice by peice! I feel like the hero of the sequel to a boxer movie.

This is me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09112012 Drawing A Backgound

Today I worked on the topic "Drawing A Background" I hadnt drawn much in flash since last year so it was good to start drawing again. Im almost as bad at flash drawing as I am at real drawing though. I can do backgrounds fairly well. People is where I start to have problems. This is what my characters looked like when I was drawing my game last year (Caitlin ended up doing most of the drawing for the game last year).


Monday, September 10, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09092012 Paper Prototype Part 1

I made a paper prototype for my hidden object game. It's pretty ugly. My drawing skills are not the best. I can draw in flash a bit, but my pen and paper drawings? Yeah...lets just pretend we didnt see this.
My Horrible Paper Prototype

The paper prototype helped me see my game even though it is so horribly drawn.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09072012 Plan Game Scene

I am planning on making my game for this year tri-level like my game was last year. I will probably use my "hidden object game" as my second level. I'm excited to start working in flash again. I've forgotten alot, but I'm sure I'll remember it eventually. Luckily I've got time to figure it out!
This Is A Scientist Pouring Chemicals.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 06092012 Choosing A Learning Topic

My topic is lab safety. I like this topic because it is the topic I plan to use for my final game. I will use my hidden object game as one of the levels in my actual game. I also think it lends itself well to a hidden object game. It shall be fun!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 09052012 Play to Learn Part One

I didn't like the hidden object games. I think it's a bad way to introduce students to a powerful program like flash. It can do so much, and yet they use it for so little. I realize students must learn simple tasks before making whole games, but I think the carrot game was a better teaching tool than these "hidden object games". Ohh well, smarter people than I design this curriculum and I trust their judgement. I may make my game have a level where students are in a science lab and they have to click on lab safety hazard.

A Carrot, Something I miss very much...

I commented on Robbies Blog

Friday, August 31, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 08312012 : Glad To Be Back On The Captains Blog

Hey there fellow Globaloria students! It's me, Austin! This is year two for me and I'm ready to get started. Last year I collaborated with my good pal Caitlin, but this year I'm on my own! I'm not sure what kind of game I'm gonna make this year. I know I'm gonna compete in the STEM pathway, that way Caitlin can take the CIVICS pathway and we dont have to compete against eachother. I have a few topics kicking around in my head, but the one I like the most is lab safety. I'm not exactly a science whiz and I don't really care for math, so I decided to go with lab safety. It's an important topic, and it's something that I know I'll be able to understand it. Last year I put videos in my game. I'm thinking about doing that again this year, I might ask a science teacher in the school if I can film the video in their lab using some of the lab equipment. Again, these are just ideas, odds are I'll have a totally different idea in a few weeks. The thing I'm scared about is doing this whole thing on my own. Last year I had Caitlin and we were able to split up the workload, this year I'll have to build the whole game on my own.

This was Caitlin and Myself from last year

I commented on Caitlin's Blog

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Captain's Blog Stardate 05102012 Class Critique Blog

Normally I don't include the questions in my blog, but for this one I feel like I probably should, so I will.

-The Class Works
Ok, I'm going to honest. I don't really know what you mean by the "Class Works". If you mean the assignments during the first semester, I liked them. Most of them. I thought most of the videos were kindof boring and useless, as I could have gotten the same information from a text turorial much easier.

-The Blogs
I liked the blogs. Although I thought some of the articles were boring or outdated, I liked most of the blogs.

-The Requirements
I didn't think there were too many requirements. Especially compared to other classes I'm taking this year cough chemistry cough cough.

-The Learning Logs
At the beginning of the year the learning logs annoyed me, but by now I've gotten used to them.

-Team Members
I think my one and only team member , Caitlin, was awesome. Although we argue over our vision for the game at times, in the end we both pulled our weight and ended up with an awesome game!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 042412 Is Our Game Ready?

Our game is playable. By this I mean someone could play our game from start to end with no glitches. There are still things we want to add. Right now we are adding sounds during the playable scenes and working on video scenes to play between levels to link the story together. Hopefully by the time the reviewers check our games we will have a game we are proud of!

People playing our game will have fun like this guy!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 04232012 What's Up With The Weather...PART TWO!!!

This weather is CRAZY! I woke up today thinking "Awhh man, I have to wear a goofy costume today and I'll be really overheated." Then I stepped outside. I was still cold. I had to throw a hoodie OVER my long sleeve button up, tunic, and neck ruffle. That's how cold it was.

If you had asked me 2 weeks ago if the world would end in 2012 I would have said that you were crazy. Now Dick Clark is dead. 2013 can't happen if we can't have a new year. 2013 will not happen, meaning the world will end in 2012.

Dick Clark

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 04172012 Technology In The Arctic

Filmmakers survived the extreme conditions by listening to their mothers when their mom said "WEAR A SWEATER". Honestly I feel as though talking about the technology used to make this show is really irrelevant. High Definition cameras are awesome, but they're not exactly news. Pretty much everything today (be it on TV or Cinema) is shot in HD. Heck, even my movies are shot in HD. Of course, not as HD as what the pros are using, but still, just saying something is High Definition isn't exatly noteworthy. Planet Earth was made in 2006 and while I'm sure it's a great series, any technologies pioneered by this production are most likely industry standard by now.

A dude shooting a movie in the arctic

Monday, April 16, 2012

Captain's Blog Stardate 04162012 Stolen Penguin

I think the motive was that penguins are awesome, and who wouldn't want one for their own. It's Sea World's own fault for not selling live penguins in their gift shops! I don't think he shoul be charged with anything at all other than a normal emotional attachment to penguins. I bet his only regret is that he got caught! If there was a zoo near charleston and they had penguins I'd probably steal one too!

This is what I imagined when I read this article

My comment on Gary's Blog!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 04102012 What You Would Do Differently

Wow! There are only about 30 days left in the year. That's not very many. I was looking at my chemistry syllabus from the beginning of the year (it lists all the work we're doing for the entire year) and I realized how close we are to end. My grades are all As and Bs. I wish they were better (more As less Bs) but I have no one to blame but myself.  I slacked on my homework and I'll end up payingfor it. Ohh  well, it could be worse. In the end it'll be summer and we'll all be happy!

My comment of Robbie's Blog!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 03272012 Deadliest House Fire

I think this was the fault of the property owner. They should have had smoke alarms installed. If it was just dead batteries I wouldn't blame the property owner, but fire code says there should be one fire alarm per sleeping room, and 1 per story. They had one, regardless of its condition, they only had one!

 This is my comment on Garret's blog!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 03262012 Spring Break

This spring break I will be staying in Charleston, but I'll be keeping busy. For starters I'll be working tech for CYAC's production of "Jesus Christ Superstar". You should come see it! It's gonna be an awesome show! All the info's in the link!

The Poster For Jesus Christ Superstar

Other than that, I'll be home.Most of the time I'll  probably be writing or watching TV. I'll probably go see The Hunger Games again.

The Poster For The Hunger Games
 I saw it this weekend, but I want to see it at least one more time before it leaves theaters. That all depends on how I can get out of the house. I can't drive and my father will be working most of the day. Ohh, I'll paint a fence, that'll be fun. Well it won't be fun, but I'll get paid! Seeing as I don't have a job that's always nice.

My comment on Robbie's Blog!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 03202012 The Man Who Killed 16

I think it's aweful that 16 people were killed in there homes, especially by a member of the American Military. Although not getting promoted may have been his snapping point, I'm sure something would have set him off eventually. I thik he probably had some serious mental issues. I wonder if he had been in America if he still would have done this. I hope it doesn't happen again.

The United States Military

Monday, March 19, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 3192012 High School Dropout Blog

I did not realize that one in four students did not get a diploma. I don't think schools should force kids to stay in school. If kids have made up their minds then they won't care about the material. If the classrooms are filled with kids who don't care then it makes it difficult for the kids who do care to learn. I don't think this law will help the dropout rate too much, because most dropouts I know were 18 when they dropped out. I think a future should be incentive enough to keep kids in school. If they can't see that then it's too late.

These kids know what's cool!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 031412 You Want My Password

School systems should not be allowed to demand a students facebook password. That's like demanding the keys to a student's car when it's not parked on a school parking lot. If the police want it they can, but only after they get a subpoena from a judge. A person should only be punished by a school if a student posts slander or threats about a student or teachers.
My comment on trenton's blog.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 3122012 Unhappy States

West Virginia is the unhappiest state in union. I don't know if this is fair or not, as I haven't spoken with many people from other states about happieness. I don't feel super unhappy here, in fact sometimes I think I'll miss living in Charleston when I leave for college. I hadn't really realized this until this weekend. I was walking around downtown when I realized how much I loved walking around downtown Charleston.

Taylor Books One Of My Favorite Places In Charleston

My comment on Gary's Blog.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 03072012 Obama's Ex-Nanny

The woman who took care of President Obama as a child is transgender. This means that she was born a man, but beleives herself to be a woman. I don't see why people should discrinate against her. If I were her I would be afraid of hate crime agaist myself.

President Obama

Captains Blog Stardate 03052012 One Last TXT Before I Die

I do not drive, but if I'm in a car with someone else and I see them texting, I'll ask them to wait until we reach our destination. My parents do not text while they drive. Texting while driving is a bad idea! I think there should be a law against texting and driving. I'm good at texting, but it needs my full attention.

Sound Familliar?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 022712 Chardon High School Suffers From Shooting

I feel bad for the students, parents and teachers at Chardon. There's not much that could have been done to prevent it by the school. Parents shouldn't let their kids have guns.  If this happened at our school it would be horrible. There are so many students at our school it would be hard to find the gunman.

A Helicopter at Chardon.

Captains Blog Stardate 22112 What's Up With The Weather

The weather has been weird this year. The weather is so warm this winter because of the way the winds have been moving. I don't think the summer will be affected. I think if anything it will be hot and rainy, but that's just my guess.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 22212 Schools Paying Students For Attendance

I don't think students should be paid for going to school. Students go to school so they can learn skills that will help them make money. So school does pay off in the long run. I think this plan will fail. If students are paid to go to school, they will not learn about applying for jobs. If GW had this policy I would take the money, but I don't think it would change attendance rates. Students could also use the money for drugs other bad things.

Either way, school pays off in the long run!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 2132012 Desktop/Laptop/Tablet

I personally hate laptops. I own one, but I'll always use a desktop if its available.Most laptops and desktops run either Mac or PC, and run the same software and can use most of the same periperals while most tablets run on either iOS or Android because of this I'd compare a tablet to a smartphone before I'd compare it to a computer. I think laptops will soon be replaced by tablet and desktops will return to prominance. In recent years laptops became more popular due to their portability. Now I beleive most people will use desktops at home, and use tablets for portability. The best selling tablet on amazon is the Kindle Fire. Here's a link to Amazons sales figures.
This is not what I mean when I say Tablet.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 2132012 AT&T Customers Surprised by "Unlimited Data" limits

This article talks about how AT&T is limiting data speeds for people who have an unlimited data plan after they use a certain amount of data each month. The reason they are doing this is to convince customers to switch to a limited data plan. This is because AT&T no longer offers an unlimited data plan to new customers, and they are trying to convice current subscribers to switch to the new plans. I have AT&T, but I'm not on a data plan, so this doesn't affect me. I have a smart phone, but it is only internet capable when I have a WIFI signal.

This guy just foud out AT&T is slowing down his data speeds.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 02072012 Problems at Apple Blog

Apple shouldn't treat their workers so poorly. I didn't know that they were beig treated this way. I own 2 apple products, and (including mine) there are 6 apple products in my house. This does change my view of them slightly. However I will contiunue to use their product, because as far as I can tell, most other technology companies don't do a much better job.

This is Apples Code of Conduct for Labor and Human Rights.

Here's Apples Wikipedia page.

My Comment on Robbies Blog.

Apple's iPod Product Line Up

Monday, February 6, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 02062012 If You Could Vote Blog

After reading the article about president Obama's comments, I feel sympathy for him. It his true that the way our government is set up makes change difficult. This still doesnt mean that it is impossible to change things. There are a few things Obama has done, such as the health care bill and repealing don't ask don't tell. I don't agree with his statement that "things get better as time goes on". This is an important job, and you need to be prepared from it when you run for election. If I could vote, I'd vote to re-elect Obama, mostly because he's the lesser of two evils. I would much rather have him than any of the republican candidates.

Here's the White House's page about president Obama.

Here's a link to a page about the Republican Candidates in this year's election.

My Comment On Robbie's Blog!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 2022012 Self Direction

I am keeping myself on track by working hard everyday. It can be distracting at times, having the entire internet at my fingertips while I should be working, but most days I stay on task.

The Entire Internet!

 My partner and I do not have a timeline, but that is a good idea. I will consult with her about creating one. The hardest part of self direction is staying on task.

Here's an article on how to stay on task.

Here's my comment on Robbie's blog!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 1292012 Les Miserables

I bet alot of you thought I would blog about Star Trek, seeing as that's the main focus of my blog and wiki. Well, you would be wrong! As much as I love Star Trek, right now I'm on a Les Miserables kick.

For those of you who aren't experts in classic french literature or Broadway musicals, Les Miserables is a french novel written by Victor Hugo in the 1800s. Then in the 1980s two french gentlemen by the names of Claude Michel Schonberg and Alain Boubil created a musical based on the novel. Sadly musical theater isn't that popular in france. Luckily an english theater producer named Cameron Macintosh saw the show and thought "Hey, I bet london audiences would really love this". He was right! Himself, the original French writers, and 2 English directors (Trevor Nunn and John Caird) adapted the musical into English. That was over twenty five years ago. Today the show is still playing 8 shows a week in london, two televised concerts have been performed, it was a smash hit on broadway (although it closed on broadway in 2003), it is currently touring the USA, and a movie version of the musical (starring Hugh Jackman and Russel Crowe) will be released later this year.

One Day More! by Les Misérables on Grooveshark

Here's one of the songs from Les Miserables (This is the tenth anniversary concert cast)

This is a picture from either the current USA tour or the recently ended UK tour.
 The both were very similar.

 I apologize if I got some of the facts wrong. Believe it or not I wrote most of that from memory.

My Comment on Caitlin's blog.

Captains Blog Stardate 1292012 Rich Blogs

When I first saw the title "Rich Blog" I thought it meant a Blog with a lot of money. When I realized that wasn't what it was I thought it was a Blog run by Richie Rich, as played by MacCauley Culkin in the 1994 movie "Richie Rich".

Poster For The Film

Ok, now I'm going to get serious. A rich blog is a blog that thoroughly explains its topic, and gives outside sources, and pictures relating to said topic. Here's a link to a website explaining how to write a good blog.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 01192012 Sopa and Pipa

NOTE: The text of this blog was written before these bills were postponed, please keep this in mind.

SOPA and PIPA are bills that are currently going before the United States House and Senate. SOPA is the House Bill and PIPA is the Senate Bill. SOPA stands for Stop Internet Piracy Bill and PIPA stands Prevent Internet Piracy. They are both (as the names suggest) trying to stop piracy. While I agree with trying to stop piracy, these bills are very poorly designed. Instead of stopping piracy, they restrict individual freedom. In it's current form, the bill allows corporations to make a claim that a site infringes their copyright, and the entire site can be pulled from the Internet. This means if someone illegally posts an episode of Star Trek to YouTube, all of YoutTube could get pulled from the internet, not just the infringing material. A good way to stop piracy is to simply remove the violating material from the internet, but not innocent sites.


Here's a link to wikipedia's page on SOPA.

Here's a link to wikipedia's page on PIPA.

My comment of Garret's Blog.

Here's a picture of soap, this is what you will find if you type misspell SOPA on a google image search.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 01172012 My Thoughts About This Class

I think this class is a good class. It teaches us things about computers while allowing us to be creative. My perception of this class has changed, in that I have realized how difficult flash is.

No, I Dont mean that Flash.

 Although I knew it would be a challege, it is much harder than I imagined. I think this class is hard, but in a way that I enjoy the challenge. I really like how in globaloria, we continually work on the same project all year. It allows us to perfect it. I really dislike learning logs. It's just a small thing to do, but it takes up so much time.

My comment of Robbie's Blog!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Captains Blog Stardate 4012012 My Christmas Blog

I enjoyed my holiday break very much! On Christmas Eve, I tracked Santa Claus's flight around the world with this website. Christmas day I woke up, and opened presents with my parents and my brother. My favorite present was a Muppet Whanot. A whatnot is a customizeable Muppet. You can order your own here!

Here's an exampe of a Whatnot.

 Later on christmas day I visited my family in beckley. There I saw my Grandmother, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Half Sisters. While we were there we ate food and opened more presents. The next day my brother and half sisters and I went to the mall. Using a gift card, I got the soundtrack to my favorite Broadway Musical Les Miserables! Here's a link to some of the music from Les Miserables

This is Actor/Singer Alfie Boe (here's his website) playing the lead in Les Miserables

The next day we visited my family in Indianapolis. Whilst I was in indianapolis I went to see the Indianapolis Civic Theater's Production of "Willy Wonka". Here's the website for the Indianapolis Civic Theater! It was based on the classic film "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".
The Poster For The Movie it's Based On

It was a very enjoyable 2 weeks! I commented on SamLGW's blog.